Gerassimos Moschonas

Assistant Professor of Political Science at Panteion University, Athens
February-May 2005

Gerassimos Moschonas, PhD, University of Paris-2, 1990, is an Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics in the Department of Political Science and History at Panteion University (Athens). His main areas of interest are Political Parties (in particular: Social Democratic parties), European Federations of parties and European politics, Greek politics, Electoral Sociology. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Greek Journal of Political Science, and member of the International Advisory Board of the French Politics and of the Journal of Political Science Pôle Sud (University of Montpellier ). His works and publications include: In the Name of Social Democracy, The Great Transformation : 1945 to the Present (Verso, London, New York, 2002), La Social-démocratie de 1945 à nos jours (Paris, Montchrestien, 1994) and La gauche française (1972-1988) à la lumière du paradigme social-démocrate. Partis de coalition et coalitions de partis dans la compétition électorale, Doctoral thesis (Doctorat d’Etat), Paris-2, June 1990 (short-listed for the price for the best PhD of the year and obtained an honorary distinction).

He has received a Fulbright grant and during his stay at the Hellenic Studies Center at Yale is working on “Leadership, Issues and Electoral Strategies in Europe and the United States (2000-2005)”.